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We aim to develop a partnership with our clients in developing educational assistance and providing quality medical care in ALL aspects of your pet’s health concerns. We treat our staff with respect, and we value their contribution to a high standard of care!


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  • Fibrocartilaginous embolus (FCE) or fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (FCEM) refers to a condition caused by a piece of fibrocartilaginous material thought to originate from an intervertebral disc, lodging in an artery or vein, causing decreased blood flow to an area of the spinal cord. Confirmatory diagnosis requires MRI. Treatment is primarily supportive.

  • Fibrocartilaginous embolus (FCE) or fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (FCEM) refers to a condition caused by a piece of fibrocartilaginous material thought to originate from an intervertebral disc, lodging in an artery or vein, causing decreased blood flow to an area of the spinal cord. This condition is more common in younger, large-breed dogs; however, certain small breeds and all ages can be affected. Confirmatory diagnosis requires MRI. Treatment is primarily supportive. Recurrence is unlikely.

  • Fibrosarcomas are a type of soft tissue cancer that is common in dogs. They are most often found on the limbs and trunk of the body but can also be found in the nasal cavity or mouth. They usually originate from the connective tissue of the skin and beneath the skin, but occasionally from the bone. Older dogs and certain breeds (especially large breeds) are at greater risk. Fibrosarcomas are often painful. Surgery is the treatment of choice for fibrosarcomas, with or without radiation and/or chemotherapy. With proper and prompt treatment, favorable outcomes are possible.

  • The Field Spaniel can be a dedicated hunting companion, an enthusiastic hiking partner, eager agility competitor, ecstatic retriever of anything, and contented lap warmer, all rolled into one.

  • Usually caused by a bite from another cat, fight wound infections can lead to the development of an abscess (a pocket of pus) or cellulitis (pain and swelling in the area of the bite). A cat’s sharp canine teeth can easily puncture the skin of another cat, leaving small, deep, wounds that seal over quickly, so it is important that your cat is seen by a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible after being bitten.

  • Finasteride is given by mouth and is used off-label to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate) in intact male dogs, and may also be used for adrenal problems in ferrets. Give as directed. Side effects are uncommon. Do not use it in sexually developing animals or in females, including pregnant or nursing females. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinarian.

  • Summary: Finches are small, active birds belonging to the order of Passeriformes, also known as songbirds. Finches have a variety of feather colours and patterns, and a variety of chirping vocalizations. These petite birds are robust, easy to care for, and demand little attention.

  • This handout discusses how to find reliable information for your pet on the internet. Recommendations are to always seek out trusted sources, such as your own veterinary clinic, veterinary schools, and those sites with content written by veterinarians. Try to avoid sites offering homemade cures, are heavily weighted with opinions, or offer prescription medications without requiring a veterinarian’s prescription.

  • Fine needle aspiration is a useful tool to collect samples for cytology and is often used to diagnose abnormal lumps on your pet's body as well as evaluation of fluid samples and tissue surfaces. It is relatively simple and inexpensive but can provide a lot of information. Depending on results, further tests may be indicated to best help your pet.

  • Despite being loud, alert and agile when on the chase, Lappies are calm, friendly and very submissive with people. Their gentle disposition makes them ideal dogs around small children and the elderly.