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We aim to develop a partnership with our clients in developing educational assistance and providing quality medical care in ALL aspects of your pet’s health concerns. We treat our staff with respect, and we value their contribution to a high standard of care!


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  • Dental Disease in Dogs

    El periodontio es la estructura que rodea al diente e incluye la encía, el hueso alveolar y el ligamento periodontal. Estas estructuras pueden alterarse y ser incapaces de dar soporte al diente que puede estar sano en sí mismo. La enfermedad periodontal se define como la alteración del periodontio.

  • Prostatic Disease in Dogs

    La próstata es una glándula localizada cerca del cuello de la vejiga urinaria de los machos. La uretra pasa a través de ella justo a la salida la vejiga. Su función consiste en producir algunos fluidos que forman parte del semen canino.

  • Dental Disease in Cats

    Las enfermedad dental es uno de los problemas médicos que los veterinarios en la práctica diaria ven con más frecuencia. Aproximadamente dos tercios de los gatos de más de tres años presentan algún grado de enfermedad dental. Los problemas más comunes son debidos a enfermedad periodontal, gingivitis o lesiones del cuello cervical, también conocidas como de resorción dental.

  • English Cockers are friendly, active and love to be with their people. The breed is known to be particularly good with children, especially school-aged youngsters who have been taught how to behave around dogs.

  • Foxhounds have been bred for centuries to live as a pack in the kennel, with few living as house dogs. But if you raise one in the home, you're in for a pleasant surprise. They are easy-going, calm, and gentle; good with children, other dogs, and other pets.

  • The English Setter is said to be one of the sweetest-tempered, most well-mannered dogs to grace the planet. For those who seek an exemplary canine companion rather than a precise champion in the obedience ring, this dog is a winner.

  • Most Springers are happy, outgoing dogs with a love of family and fun. They're playful and enjoy playing the clown, yet they can be quite regal when standing alert. Springers maintain a fierce loyalty to their owner, moving quickly to be at your side the moment you enter the room.

  • Merry, bright, and animated, but also docile, sweet, and calm, English Toy Spaniels make excellent lap dogs and indoor family pets, especially for seniors and families with someone home most of the day.

  • Enilconazole is a topical wash/dip used to treat dermatophytosis (ring worm) in dogs and sometimes in cats. Side effects are uncommon as it is relatively well-tolerated, but in cats may include drooling, vomiting, lack of appetite, weight loss, muscle weakness, and elevated liver enzymes. Do not use in cats unless directed by your veterinarian. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Many veterinarians, including nutritionists and behaviorists, believe it is important for dogs and cats to express their natural foraging and hunting behaviors. For pets living indoors, this can be difficult, and the lack of this stimulation can sometimes lead to behavior problems. Enriching a pet's environment with food toys and puzzles at mealtimes can fulfill the need to forage. The use of toys, puzzles and other novel methods of food delivery can also be effective ways to increase daily movement in overweight or inactive pets.