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We aim to develop a partnership with our clients in developing educational assistance and providing quality medical care in ALL aspects of your pet’s health concerns. We treat our staff with respect, and we value their contribution to a high standard of care!


Preventive Care & Wellness

  • This handout summarizes the various forms of treatment for cats with asthma and includes a list of treatment instructions for home care. Treatment options include corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and inhaler use. Warning signs for cat owners to watch out for are included.

  • On the hunt, Treeing Walkers are alert, intense, and loud, sounding off with their big coonhound bawl. But don't let that fool you; at home they are calm, affectionate, and great lovers of pillows and blankets.

  • TTouch is a form of touch therapy devised and popularized in 1978 by Linda Tellington Jones, an equestrian with a long-standing interest in massage, training, and physical therapy techniques. TTouch is a simple, light massage technique in which the practitioner uses a clockwise circular motion of the fingers on the skin of the patient.

  • Controlled substances are medications or illicit drugs that affect the central nervous system and have the potential for abuse or dependence, both in humans and in animals. These drugs are often needed to manage pain and other conditions in pets and are relatively safe when used appropriately and under the guidance of a veterinarian. Be sure you understand the risks and responsibilities associated with controlled substance use.

  • Cats exhibit a wide range of behaviors that are quite normal yet may be considered undesirable by the people with whom they share their homes. Most of these behaviors develop to satisfy an innate need. Rather than trying to stop your cat from engaging in instinctual and naturally rewarding behaviors, it is essential to provide your cat with substitute behaviors and outlets that satisfy your cat’s needs.

  • Emergencies in Dogs

    Todos sabemos que las urgencias requieren atención inmediata. El problema es: ¿podemos reconocer una urgencia en el momento en que se produce?. Algunas son evidentes (un perro que cruza la carretera corriendo y es atropellado por un coche), pero otras pueden ser igual de graves aunque no tan obvias. Por ejemplo, una dilatación/torsión gástrica es probablemente la urgencia no traumática más grave para cualquier perro.

  • Emergencies in Cats

    Las urgencias médicas se producen de forma repentina y sin avisar. Es importante que todos los propietarios de gatos tengan unas nociones básicas sobre las urgencias veterinarias más comunes y sobre primeros auxilios. Para más detalles sobre como realizar RESPIRACIONES DE RESCATE y RCP en gatos, consulte nuestra página Primeros Auxilios en Gatos.

  • The uropygial gland (preen/preening gland or oil gland) is a normal part of most bird's anatomy. The preen oil is formed by the gland and helps coat a bird's feathers. Infections and tumors may affect the uropygial gland.

  • Every dog has wants and needs, including social interaction, physical exercise, intellectual exercise, and time to rest. When their needs are met predictably and enrichment is consistently available, dogs experience less stress and frustration and may be less likely to develop problematic behaviors.

  • Predictability and trust are important foundations for training your dog. Learning what your dog finds rewarding and strategically providing rewards at the right time will promote the desired behavior to happen more and more often. Punishment techniques using physical force and conflict can result in increased aggression and should be avoided.